As autumn sets in it feels appropriate to reconstruct the notes that were taken from a consultation with the Knight they call Wingshade over the course of a fall season perhaps long ago... "WHAT IS POLITICS BUT A SUBTLE FORM OF MIND CONTROL?
The apple is there.
On the quest to rediscover myself in a situation that seems to be the constant cascading removal of myself in the temporal continuum from esoteric and "oppressive" forces, it has become of the ultimate importance to find grounding, or what can be called truth, speaking through the objects that we encounter in reality. Reality being which what we (we, of course being, Fool Diddly) can agree on as "that which doesn't go away when you stop believing in it" as a starting point These objects presently in current digression are best represented or called as symbols. Symbols for us not being just "an apple" that we would find pictured in a book on the alphabet, but "the apple" that we specifically ate whence then from the tree.
In this examination for symbols, or specific minute points, or what could perhaps could be equated to an "element" if you will, seem to blur around the edges in how we can asses them in our memory, our memory being unfortunately the only place possible for such examination. These blurring of edges appear to erase the existence of any minute point (element) of an object (or symbol) that we thought we had found in our searching. The object denies its existence by its own being, as its being is made of multiplicity and its multiplicity is its own erasure as of our qualifications for its own existence.
For example, in one recollection, the element of the apple falling from the tree is the apple itself, its visual image and imprint bright in our mind as it is synthesized from the memories of seeing it fall, the contact from holding it in one's hand before one then even finds memory of the taste and smell of this apple when one took a bite. These memories in our mind affirm our belief in the apple's existence, as it proves and qualifies itself across time into our own space. We know the apple falling from the tree exists, as we have, hypothetically, presently picked it up. We know it exists in space, outside of time.
However, the apple falling from the tree's existence now blurs when one considers the symbol of the apple falling from the tree as only the apple falling from the tree The apple is only falling as it is falling. It spans time and can never actually be captured in space. The apple falling, is only as it falls. When it lands, I can pick it up, but I can not be sure of it as the apple that was falling. I can not hold the action of the falling separate from the apple and I can not hold the apple falling from the tree without the action of the falling. We now are not sure if it exists in space, because it can only exist in time alone. By logic, it is impossible.
The apple finite,
the falling infinite.
But separation is impossible.
And thus not able to examine as truth.
it seems impossible to find such an object.
Without this contradicting dialectic.
A more helpful analogy can be drawn with the relating of all objects to two types of medium; analog and digital.
As such, analog can be viewed as infinite, a device used to capture specifically objects time.
Digital, on the other hand is finite.
The apple that fell from the tree outside of time that we pick up and eat is in this analogy is "digital" as its points, we believe, can be reduced to a finite number of specific points as it can be hypothetically examined completely given that this can happen across time. Anything that exists as "the apple" can be "found," separated and labeled to prove its existence. The apple that is the apple that fell from the tree most assuredly can be there but only once it has happened.
On the other hand, the apple falling from the tree that spans time can not find a single point to be labeled and examined, as any pint relates only to its other points and is "analog" in its ephemeral nature. It seems the apple can not be there, but the apple falling from the tree can as it is happening.
Both become obviously and glaringly different objects or symbols,
but both are in our minds the same apple.
...thus it seems,
the apple is there.
In relation to the original issue of only importance that is at hand ( Fool Diddly ) , Fool Diddly can be viewed as a perhaps as the frustration of an object that has found a dissonance or separation in its being. Analog media are found to be objects that are infinite, capturing most entirely an object at a moment in time. Its existence can only change as a whole, a specific part can not be "found" and changed in time or space. On the other hand, digital media can not be changed and manipulated in specific instances, as specific instances inside of it can be found to exist. The digital media is finite. Through this framework, Fool Diddly is found to be the dissonance of the analog output of Fool Diddly finding that his digital output is being manipulated by an analog object that is not Fool Diddly's own analog self.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
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